Embarrassing Moment, Tea


I have a confession.

This is awkward.

On Monday, this box was full:

Today, Thursday, only 2 of the original 10 sachets remain.  Well, make that 9 now.

Clearly I cannot keep these in my house.  I bought the box on a whim (never impulse buy!) while at the grocery and brought it home.  I’d had one before, back when Chris and I were in Wellington on our first trip with Joe.  They provided them at the hotel and, oh my, it was good.  When I saw it on the shelf at our local store this week, I decided to buy a box.

I’m not going to tell you what the ingredients are, because (a) they’re embarrassingly unhealthy and (b) they’re embarrassingly unhealthy.  I need to stick with my usual loose-leaf tea habit and leave the boxed stuff on the shelf!

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5 thoughts on “Confession

  1. I too have a weakness for Chai Tea Latte’s. Infact I buy it in bulk, sad I know. But I don’t drink coffee and often do not like tea that much.

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