
Philadelphia Story

Chris had to stay late for a dinner meeting tonight. He dropped in briefly to check on me, since I’d phoned him earlier to let him know about going home early from work (isn’t he sweet?).

Since I had the evening to myself I decided to watch “The Philadelphia Story”, starring Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and Jimmy Stewart. I saw it on the library shelf a few days ago, and I thought it looked interesting. I like old black & white movies – Chris doesn’t. So, since he was gone, it was the perfect time for me to watch this one!

It was your typical 1940s romantic Cary Grant movie. Sappy and impossible, but I can’t help it – those are the kind of stories I like! I’d recommend it if you are in the mood for a sentimental, silly romantic movie with an unrealistic but happy ending 🙂

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