Baby, Joseph Ezra, Photos, Pictures, Video

Picture Heavy Post + Video

Here’s what our life looks like these days…

About 8 hours old

2nd ever international phone call with his Uncle Michael… and he slept right through it!

Bundled up against the cold Auckland weather

Getting in some early practice time with the PS3

My little milk-drunk baby!

Ready for his first ever shopping excursion

My little banana baby!

Milk-Drunk again 🙂

Notice anything about these photos?  Joe is asleep in every one!  Aside from eating, that’s his favorite activity.  Completely normal and to be expected.  We love our little man so much 🙂

He does open his eyes from time to time though.  Here’s a video that I took to send to the grandparents back in the States.  As my sister said, it’s boring but cute!

And yes, that is a pacifier in his mouth.  My midwife has already warned me about using it too often as a substitute for breastfeeding.  No worries there – Joe eats all the time!  Sometimes he goes from one side, to the other side, and then back to the first side.  I don’t think he’s suffering 🙂

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13 thoughts on “Picture Heavy Post + Video

  1. Chris and Jenny, I just accidently found your photos I didn’t know existed on Matthew’s blog. Your baby is beautiful and darling and cute and all that jazz – I love every one of the photos of you and Jenn. Need more of her. Have your parents been there yet? Love you dearly, Cathy

  2. Thanks for the tip 🙂 He usually doesn’t use when he sleeps at night – it’s mainly during the day when he’s a bit fussy. Most nights we have it nearby just in case, but haven’t had to offer it to him, thank goodness!

  3. Oh precious precious precious! Don’t you just love the milk-drunk babies? It’s my favorite!

    P.S. Glad we’re not the only ones who constantly just watch our baby eat and sleep and occasionally open her eyes;)

  4. So cute!! Enjoy this sleepy stage 🙂 You’ll be missing it soon, lol!

    As for the paci – I would caution slightly against it ONLY because of our experience – Sophie is dependent on it for sleep now and we are going to have to take it away so she won’t keep waking up for it 🙁 Just to warn you!

  5. Cuteness overload!!!
    Love his little snuggly blankets, or are they little sleeping bags to keep him swaddled? Adorable! Love the “bundled up against the cold Auckland weather” pic, that is me on me on most days too!

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